Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Major Pro-Murder Organization Endorses Obama

The pro-abortion organization NARAL has thrown their weight behind Senator Barrack Obama:

NARAL Endorses Former Fetus Obama

Many pundits were surprised that NARAL made this announcement before Obama was official selected as the Democratic nominee, and see this as a slap in the face of Hillary Clinton. But hey, we must remember that women do have the right to choose. Granted this endorsement comes at the cost of millions of innocent lives, but NARAL’s political director, Elizabeth Shipp explains the endorsement this way:

"A political organization always looks at viability (like they do with human life) -- who has the most delegates, the most votes, and the most cash on hand," Shipp stated. "As a political organization, we're not going to say it's an easy decision, but it's the right one."

Congratulations Senator Obama, you earned it!

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