Saturday, May 24, 2008

Democratic Policies Are To Blame For Our Energy Problems

This week Congress called the oil executives before the House for “hearings.” What in fact happened was not about solving the problem at hand, but what Democratic do best…belittle, chastise, and blame others for their own incompetence!

Witness this exchange between the “esteem” Congresswoman Maxine Waters (pay close attention to what happens at 1:13 into the video):

The equation is easy. Socialism = Liberalism = Progressivism = Failure.

This November, if we go to the polls and further strengthen the Democrats hold on this country, Ms. Waters threats will become reality. History has shown us that “socialism” does not stop at taking over one element of industry.

Gas prices did not go through the roof until the Democrats took control of Congress. The Democratic Party’s failures, and the inaction of the Republican Party, over these past decades has placed America in this position:

  • Failure to build additional refineries to create reserves faster
  • Failure to allow drilling off-shore and in protected areas
  • Failure to encourage exploration for new sources
  • Failure to expanding nuclear power options
  • Failure to support a transit system that provides transportation faster, cleaner, and cheaper
It is time for us to stop blaming big oil, look in the mirror for who is to blame, and then work together to solve an issue threatening to cripple our nation!

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