Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Is The Anti-War Movement Undermining Our Troops In Iraq?

What effect does extreme disapproval of the Iraq War have on insurgent violence? That is what two Harvard researchers set out to study:

Is There an "Emboldenment' Effect? Report

Insurgent violence INCREASED by 5% to 10% after periods of intensified criticism. The researchers learned that the insurgents do not just haphazardly wreak havoc, but in fact act strategically to the developments in American politics. Iyengar and Monten found that when the terrorist perceived a drop in America’s resolve, they unleashed more destruction!

What American's say and do at home are seen and heard around the world, and influences how our enemies act. So for all those who say "I support the troops, but not the mission," you have to ask yourself - "are my actions encouraging America's enemies?" Does this report in fact validate that the anti-war movement has the blood of American soldiers and Iraq civilians on their hands?


Anonymous said...

American’s and Iraqis would not be dieing in the first place if we weren’t occupying Iraq. This war needs to end, and we need to keep pressure on the powers that be. In the end we will save many lives before they are wasted. OBAMA IN 08!

Jeff Chidester said...

There are a few points you are missing:

Many of the suicide attacks are being conducted by non-Iraqis. These “foreign exchange terrorist” are exporting their brand of terrorism from Syria, Iran, and other Islamic nations. These terrorist have no right to be in Iraq. And there is the Catch-22. If Iraq wasn’t inundated with foreign terrorist, the American presence would be greatly reduced.

It is not the protest that emboldens our enemy, but the method and rhetoric that is used that encourages them. They see a country divided, seemly not supporting our troops, and certainly not supporting our President. These terrorist are doing exactly what the North Vietnamese did, losing on the battlefield, but winning the propaganda war. The only battle they need to win is the one on the home front (theirs and ours).

Obama’s plan is a disaster waiting to happen. If Obama sets a time schedule for withdrawal, more American’s will die. The terrorist will most likely step up their attacks, knowing full well that Obama will not respond with force. The terrorist are not going to just let the American soldiers walk out of Iraq, they are going to make them suffer, and this is what the example of Muhammad demands.

And after we are gone, what about the Iraqis people? We owe them our support and protection, not as an occupying force, but as an ally.