Monday, October 27, 2008

Why Character Matters: Obama’s Lack Of Judgment Is Dangerous

The warning signs are right before our very eyes. Who we associate with is the sum total of our character, and how we act when we think no one is looking speaks to our "moral courage." We saw this previously with President Clinton. The old media produced snow job after snow job to "distance" Clinton from the "vast right wing conspiracy." As Clinton's Presidency unfolded we saw how his "character flaws" resonated throughout his term in office.

Many of the "scandals" we saw from Clinton are the same types we see from Obama. Potential voter fraud, questionable campaign funds, shady associations. Like with Clinton, the media has failed to "explore" the many distortions, dubious alliances, and frankly out rights lies that is Obama. It's the "little" lies that tell the most about a person, and Obama has numerous ones. If we decide to elect a "morally challenged" candidate to the highest office, is that a reflection of our ignorance or a testament to our own perceived ethical deficiencies?

Real Clear Politics: Why Character Matters

"Midway along the journey of our life, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, for I had wandered off from the straight path." Dante's – A Devine Comedy

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