Thursday, October 23, 2008

It Is “The People” That Rule America

William Kristol, wrote an excellent OP-ED piece, which unfortunately appeared in the Gray Lady, which spells out how the intellect of the "common man," is much more often than not, right:

NY Times - Kristol: Here The People Rule

"In the 1930s, the American people didn't fall — unlike so many of their supposed intellectual betters — for either fascism or Communism. Since World War II, the American people have resisted the temptations of isolationism and protectionism, and have turned their backs on a history of bigotry."

Let's tally the score regarding whether the people or the "elites" have been more right:

Who was right about the true nature of the Soviet Union before its collapse? The People or The Elites. 1 Point Awarded to The People.

Who has been right a majority of the time that a distended government has been bad for the economic prosperity and the overall general welfare of this country? The People or The Elites. 1 Point Awarded to The People.

Who has been right on immigration? The people who believe in a balanced immigration policy or the elites who want to open up the floodgates of uncontrolled immigration? The People or The Elites. 1 Point Awarded to The People.

The list could go on, but the point that needs to be made is that the people want to take a pragmatic approach to solving issues as they arise, whether it is spending, addressing climate change, and taxes. But Elites want to "just jump in," and believe that the quick reaction, which usually equates to throwing a ton of money at every issue, is the best reaction.

In the end, we the voters must decide whose judgment can be trusted to lead this country…the everyday man or the elites, and which candidate represents those views best.

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