Monday, October 20, 2008

Why We Should Vote For McCain

Two Top Ten Lists: Obama Versus McCain

Tom Scheffelin
(American Thinker)

I have not seen a simple list of reasons to vote for or against either Presidential candidate. To fill this need, I offer my two top ten lists below. I solicit your comments, edits, and improvements. Feel free to share this with neighbors, friends, and coworkers.

Top Ten Reasons to Vote for McCain:

1) Senator McCain has an enduring Faith, a High Moral Character, a Good Work Ethic, and Compassion.
2) Senator McCain's economic policies will create prosperity.
3) Senator McCain loves his country - a patriot's patriot.
4) Senator McCain will be a great commander-in-chief
5) Senator McCain has excellent Personal Judgment.
6) Senator McCain believes in the sanctity of life.
7) Senator McCain gets things done in Congress.
8) Senator McCain is one of the Senate's Most Savvy Technologists.
9) Senator McCain never consorted with terrorists, bombers, criminals, anti-Americans, bigots, or racists.
10) President McCain's Vice President will be Sarah Palin: a woman, a mother, a PTA mom, a mayor, a governor, an achiever, and someone who believes that all children are deserving of life and opportunity regardless of the circumstances of their birth.

Top Ten Reasons to Reject Obama

1) As a matter of public record, Obama voted to kill innocent "inconvenient" living babies.
2) Obama's "Share the Wealth" policies will punish the owners of small businesses, the backbone of our economy.
3) Based on Obama's campaign remarks, one has to wonder if Obama hates the United States.
4) Other than buzzwords, memorized talking points, and unsupported statistics, without a prewritten speech on a teleprompter Obama is lacking in clear and coherent thoughts. But he is a great speaker. So was Hitler.
5) Obama failed in his only leadership role.
6) When politically convenient, Obama abandoned his church and minister of 20 years, referred to his grandmother as a racist, and has not helped his desperately poor half-brother in need.
7) Obama lied -- repeatedly -- 50 times and counting.
8) Obama and the Obama campaign have impugned, mocked, and ridiculed proven leaders and citizens, disrespecting all of us.
9) Obama consorted with terrorists, criminals, anti-Americans, bigots, and racists.
10) Obama's vice presidential pick, a known plagiarist, a liar, and someone who has nothing in common with the citizens he seeks to govern, displays Obama's lack of Personal Judgment.

Senator McCain has Faith, a High Moral Character, a Good Work Ethic, and Compassion - qualities the leader of our nation must have. Senator McCain developed an enduring Faith during his years as a POW in Vietnam. His campaign, like his personal conduct, exemplifies a High Moral Character, and does not stoop to slander. McCain has a Good Work Ethic, learned from his father, grandfather, and the United States Naval Academy. I know from personal experience the United States military academies demand the ultimate four years of academic, mental, and physical challenges of any curriculum in any university in the world. Graduating from an academy puts all such graduates head and shoulders above any other graduate from any other university or college in any degree. However, in addition to the rigorous curriculum the academies instill graduates with a lifelong moral and honor code.

Senator McCain's economic policies will create prosperity, not misery. Senator McCain opposes "spreading the wealth" around; that is, to steal from achievers, those who start and grow companies, create jobs, and pay the taxes that support schools, fire departments, police departments, and all of the local, state, and federal programs that benefit everybody.

Senator McCain loves his country -- a patriot's patriot. I recommend one read "Faith of my Fathers" to better understand why John McCain is a great American.

Senator McCain will be a great commander-in-chief. Senator McCain was responsible for the successful Iraq surge, even when that decision, and the Iraq war, was unpopular. Great Presidents do what is best for the country, not what keeps their poll numbers high.

Senator McCain has demonstrated excellent Personal Judgment -- one of a President's most important qualities when appointing thousands of department and agency leaders, judges, ambassadors, generals, and admirals. Senator McCain was the commander-in-charge of the United States Navy's largest fighter wing, responsible for the wing's Operations, Maintenance, Hiring, Discipline, Morale, and Health of the military and civilian staff under his command -- applicable experience to prepare one for the Presidency.

Senator McCain believes in the sanctity of life -- Senator McCain defended our country, defended our citizens, and will defend our babies. Senator McCain believes women are blessed with a baby.

Senator McCain gets things done in Congress. Senator McCain does what he believes what is best for the country, not what is best for his reelection or his political party.

Senator McCain is one of the Senate's Most Savvy Technologists, despite the Obama campaign's condescending and hurtful ad impugning McCain's inability to e-mail. Did the Obama campaign know or care that Senator McCain has difficulty typing due to the horrible and permanent injuries inflicted by the Vietnamese during his years as a Prisoner-of-War? I believe it is beneath Senator McCain's dignity to refute the hurtful ad - so I will say it for him. In the same manner, if my paralyzed mother were running for President against Obama, Obama's campaign would mock my mother for not being able to bowl.

Senator McCain never consorted with terrorists, bombers, criminals, anti-Americans, bigots, or racists.

President McCain's Vice President will be Sarah Palin: a woman, a mother, a PTA mom, a mayor, a governor, and someone who believes that all children are deserving of life and opportunity. Her life story, and her response to the Obama campaign's slander and the drive-by media's condescension, is proof that she is executive timber.

As a matter of public record, Obama voted to kill innocent living babies that were "inconvenient", and has publicly stated that women could be "punished with a baby". Yesterday I met a mother with a 10 day old infant. Seeing a newborn up close, our common humanity instinctively knows this child is completely innocent, trusting, and in need of love and protection. Yet, when I think of post-abortion but living babies Obama would sentence to die in hospital janitorial closets, alone on a cold steel table, in the dark, sometimes taking hours to die - the only word that comes to mind is Inhuman Monster.

Obama's "Share the Wealth" policies will punish our nation's producers, reward the takers, cause further job loss, decrease our citizen's self-sufficiency, and increase our citizen's dependency, creating long-lasting economic misery. The Better Business Bureau in every city should have a "Stop Obama At All Costs" emergency meeting tomorrow morning. Thank God his true motives were revealed by Joe the Plumber.

Based on Obama's campaign remarks, one has to wonder if Obama, and his unsavory associates, hates the United States. Who among the readers of this article have ever heard a minister or priest utter the words "God XXXX America"?

Other than buzzwords, memorized talking points, and unsupported statistics, without a prewritten speech on a teleprompter, Obama is lacking in clear and coherent thoughts.

Obama failed in his only leadership role, as the Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge -- unless one considers funding Acorn, the illegal voter registration organization, to be a success. The students of the Chicago public schools, the intended recipients of the millions of dollars of OPM (Other People's Money), benefited not at all.

Obama has a fair-weather faith, a questionable work ethic, and a propensity to mock those who disagree with him. When politically convenient, Obama abandoned his church and minister of 20 years without a second glance, referred to his grandmother as a racist, and has not helped his desperately poor half-brother in need. Despite an advance of thousands of dollars for his book, Obama didn't produce the book. Obama, the Obama campaign, and the drive-by media have impugned, mocked, and ridiculed Governor Palin, a true citizen statesman. Obama, the Obama campaign, and the drive-by media have impugned, mocked, ridiculed, and mischaracterized citizens such as Joe the Plumber, disrespecting all of us. Prepare yourselves for vicious public personal slander should anyone have the audacity to challenge governmental decisions in such an administration.

Obama lied. Repeatedly. 50 times and counting. Despite his claim to the contrary, he began his political career with a known unrepentant Terrorist, who only seven years ago was quoted "I don't regret settings bombs. I feel we didn't do enough." Obama knew who Bill Ayers was then, and he knows now.

Far from running an honorable campaign, an auditor for the Federal Election Commission recommended the Obama campaign be investigated for more than $200 million in potentially illegal political donations, including millions of dollars of illegal, foreign donations.

Obama consorted with terrorists, bombers, criminals, anti-Americans, bigots, and racists. Under normal circumstances, Obama would not qualify for a secret clearance, much less a Top Secret clearance. Yet we are to trust him with our nation's highest office?

Obama's vice presidential pick, Senator Biden, a known plagiarist, a liar, and someone who has nothing in common with the citizens he seeks to govern, displays Obama's lack of Personal Judgment.

Thankfully -- for now-- we have alternative media outlets to broadcast the truth.

My choice for President is clear: McCain. I utterly reject Obama. Now you know why.

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