Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stealing Elections: John Fund Discusses Voter Fraud

John Fund, of the Wall Street Journal and the author of a booked called Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud threatens our Democracy, is extremely passionate about exposing voter fraud. Mr. Fund recently appeared before the Evergreen Freedom Foundation where he talked about widespread voter fraud actively occurring before our eyes:

Sound Politics: John Fund and Voter Fraud

There are two fundamental rights at play regarding this issue:
  1. The rights of voters to cast their ballots without fear and intimidation.
  2. That your vote matters, AND IS NOT canceled out by a fraudulently cast ballot.
I fully support the inviolability that should represent the ballot box in America, and regardless of whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you should be concerned with what we are witnessing. Widespread voter fraud is being reported in each of the battleground states:

Foster's Daily Democrat: Out Of State Students Committing Voter Fraud

"Anyone from a non-battleground state should definitely vote in New Hampshire," stated O'Neil.

This is an outrageous statement on the part of O'Neil, but for O'Neil, and people like her, the end justifies the means. A republic cannot not stand long against the crushing weight of ignorance and duplicity. I would expect to see behavior such as this in a banana republic, but not in the United States of America. Is there anything that can be done if good people sit by and do nothing?

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