Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obamaism-The Blob That Ate America and Destroyed The World

Sure, Obama may be a socialist, but this is America…..how much can he get away with? There is this belief by many in this country that Obama's brand of socialism can be "controlled," used to serve the better good of all Americans. But socialism is like the beast in the movie "The Blob." It starts out small, but it grows larger and larger with each new person it consumes, becoming a single entity needing to consume all in order to survive. Socialism will grow beyond control if people just lay down in its path and allow themselves to be consumed.

Mark Steyn wrote an article in National Review that not only talks about an America that moves towards Socialism, but what will happen to the world:

Mark Steyn: The Results Of This Election – Point Of No Return

Mark Steyn: The point of no return

Excerpts from the article:

"Ask not what your country can do for you, demand it."

"In Europe, lavish social-democratic government has transformed citizens into eternal wards of the nanny state: the bureaucracy's assumption of every adult responsibility has severed Continentals from the most basic survival impulse, to the point where unaffordable entitlements on shriveled birth rates have put a question mark over some of the oldest nation states on earth. A vote for an Obama-Pelosi-Barney Frank-ACORN supermajority is a vote for a Europeanized domestic policy that is, as the eco-types like to say, "unsustainable"."

"More to the point, the only reason why Belgium has gotten away with being Belgium and Sweden Sweden and Germany Germany this long is because America's America. The soft comfortable cocoon in which western Europe has dozed this last half-century is girded by cold hard American power. What happens when the last serious western nation votes for the same soothing beguiling siren song as its enervated allies?"

A supermajority in the hands of a Congress with an approval rating of 18% is insane. We have seen how divisive Pelosi and Reid have been, imagine them unchecked:

What Will Happen During Obama's First 100 Days: Nothing We Want, or Need

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