Saturday, October 11, 2008

Obama and Ayers: What Exactly Is The Issue?

The issue is honesty and character.

For those of you that have read my blog in the past you know that character, or the lack of character, is important issue, and one we should take very serious when choosing a leader. That is why the Obama-Ayers connection is concerning.

During the Democratic Presidential Debates, Obama told us a much different story than the one that is unfolding since the University of Illinois at Chicago released the archives of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC):

“….is not someone I exchange ideas with…..” This statement is false, and begs the question to asked – “If there is nothing wrong with the relationship, why Mr. Obama are you lying about the relationship?” The reason; Bill Ayers is a despicable character, and Barrack Obama was his protégé.

But the story goes much deeper. Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn were the founders and leaders of the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist that advocated violence against innocent Americans. When Bernadine Dohrn was not permitted to take the bar exam because of her criminal convictions, she was hired by the law firm Sidley Austin, where she was friends with a young lawyer named Michelle Obama. This is the same law firm where Michelle and Barrack first met.

Ayers has said in the past that “everyone was fair game” in the struggle to bring down America. But recently Ayers has also claimed that he never targeted “anyone,” but one only needs to read the entire narrative to quickly learn that this statement is a lie, as is witnessed by John Murtagh:

Ayers and Dohrn have never apologized for their actions, and in fact have stated numerous times that the wish that they had “done more.” The character of a person is the sum total of their life. Who we associate with is the mirror into our inner most moral fiber. Unfortunately, the reflection coming from Obama is Ayers and Dohrn, Reverend Wright, and friend
Tony Rezko. What did Bill Ayers see in Barrack Obama that allow them to form such a strong alliances?

With friends like these, who needs enemies? These relationships go right to the heart of the matter that many Americans are concerned about. Is Barrack Obama’s judgment in people what we want in our next President, and does Barrack Obama share the values of these close friends? With Obama’s reluctance to be candid about these relationships, how could we ever really trust him with our country?

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