Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life Under Obama: Obama’s Small Business Tax Plan A Job Killer!

Are you a small business owner like the millions of Joe the Plumbers (Joe Wurzelbacher - Wall Street Journal: Who is Joe the Plumber), or are you one of the millions dependent on your paycheck thanks to a small business owner? Are you wondering what an Obama presidency will mean to small business? It will bring it to a grinding halt:

The truth of Obama’s contempt for capitalism can be heard in his own words:

“It is not that I want to punish your success”…..that's exactly what excessive taxes are, a punishment for those that work hard. Joe Wurzelbacher wants to be a working class hero, and the business he wants to buy is an example of the type entrepreneurial spirit that represents hardworking Americans. There are millions of Americans that are pulling the wagon that is the American economy; their called small-business owners. Barrack Obama’s idea of spreading the wealth is having a bunch of people jump in the wagon that small business owners are pulling, regardless of the harm it will do to that small business owner.

But Barrack Obama is not alone in this taxation mindset. Obama and the Democrats have been very successful of parlaying their “class-envy” attacks to get the “masses (Joe Biden’s words)” on their side. Take for example undecided voter Janet Chittock of Ohio (Janet Chittock: Tax the "rich" plumber!), who feels that anyone “making $250,000” is rich. I would remind people such as Ms. Chittock that President Clinton had a very similar plan prior to being elected, but ended up enacting an across the board tax increase, even for people making less than $40,000.00. This betrayal was the reasons why the Democrats lost control of Congress in 1994.

Class envy will be the least of Joe the Plumber's problems. Joe should expect an onslaught from the full force of Obama's media relation team, CBS, NBC, ABC, as well as others in the "mainstream media." As the Forth Estate did with Governor Palin, and did not do for Barrack Obama, they will leave no stone unturned to discredit Joe. I give it a few days, and there will be negative stories about Joe all over the place. But what the press doesn't realize is that Joe Wurzelbacher is not the story. The story is Obama's tax plan, and how it will stifle small business, where the majority of Americans are employed.

The problem is that this figure is misleading. It is not Joe the Plumber making $250,000.00, it is Joe’s Plumbing Service making $250,000.00. But Joe also has expenses, or maybe Joe wants to expand his services, hire people, or upgrade his equipment. Well guess what? Under Obama’s plan Joe must first “spread the wealth,” and then anything that is left over, Joe can decide how best to spend it. Gee’s Mr. Obama, thanks

Simply put, John McCain, a thousands economist, and history are right on this issue. CUT TAXES FOR EVERYONE, and REDUCE SPENDING! The “redistribution of wealth” sounds nice, but never works. You punish people who are the engine of our economy, and make other people more dependent on government handouts.

I would encourage everyone go to the Small Business Association's website (Small Business Association) to see the thousands of industries that will be affected in a negative way by Obama's tax plan.

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