Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell Endorses Obama: Liberals Spontaneously Explode

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced his endorsement of Barrack Obama, which resulted in the spontaneously explosion of millions of those on the far Left.

General Powell is not a Conservative, and he hinted of his support for Obama throughout this election (Huffington Post: Novak-Powell Will Endorse Obama, New York Times: Powell Praises Obama ). I respect General Powell, but I known that he is wrong on this one. But what is more interesting is what the response by those on the Left will be. For years, Powell was reviled by those on the Left, often called a stooge, a liar, Uncle Tom, and worst of all, a traitor:

Daily Kos

Papillion’s Art Palace

Village Voice: The Uncle Tom Dilemma

Michelle Malkin: Exposing the Uncle Tom Outreach Initiative

The Hollywood Liberal

When Obama announced Colin Powell support at a rally on October 19, 2008, the audience applauded. I couldn’t help but wonder how many in the crowd were the same ones who maligned Secretary Powell when he worked for President Bush? Is the Left willing to “forgive” Powell now that he has endorsed their candidate, or admit that they were wrong? And what would those of the Left be saying about Powell had he surprised everyone and endorsed McCain?

How do you spell hypocrite? L-I-B-E-R-A-L

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