Monday, June 23, 2008

Shamu Attacks The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States has agreed to take on the case of the U.S Navy Vs. Free Willy. The case will need to balance between military readiness and environmental protection.

The case involves the U.S. Navy's challenge to a judge's order that seeks to protect whales off the California coast from the high-frequency sonar used during training exercises.

Thar She Blows

I wouldn’t be surprised if the courts ruled that the whales are protect by habeas corpus. The number one priority of the federal government is to protect its citizens. Military readiness can only be achieved through training and simulations. The Supreme Court (or should I say certain members) should be very careful how they rule. The wrong decision would open up a flood gate of superfluous lawsuits directed at the US Military. Without a doubt there is someone out there just waiting to file a lawsuit because US Air Force jets fly through the nesting grounds of the African Swallow.

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