Thursday, June 19, 2008

High School Pregnancy Pact

Gloucester High School is about to experience a baby boom, with 17 girls, none over the age 16, preparing to spend their Summer vacation in maternity bathing suits. But the reason for the pregnancies may surprise you.

School officials have learned that at least half of the pregnant girls entered into a pregnancy pact, and that some of the “fathers” were in their 20’s, including a 24 year old homeless man:

Pregnancy Pact Attracts National Coverage

Boston Herald: High-Fiving Teens

So how have some liberals, along with a complacent media, chosen to address this story. How else….by demanding more funds for birth control and sex education:

Boston Globe "Forgot" To Mention The Pact

Notice that Kathy McCabe, the Boston Globe reporter, made noooooooooo mention of the pregnancy pact…covenant.

The reality is society has created a generation of callous, spoiled, idiots, which is so clearly demonstrated with this pregnancy pact. No amount of sex education or birth control would have prevented at least 9 of these pregnancies, but the first response from the Left…more money….more education….more birth control! How about more discipline, a stronger sense of responsibility, and no public funds used to support any of the girls involved in the pact. They made their “choice,” and they can live with the consequences.

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