Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama To Appoint Piglet Secretary of Defense

Richard Danzig, former Under Secretary of the Navy under Bill Clinton (and the presumptive choice to serve as National Security Advisor under Obama) revealed during an interview that Obama’s security strategy would be based on the lessons learned from that noted diplomat, Winnie the Pooh:

The 100 Acres Diplomacy Plan

Brilliant! The fate of the Western World will rest in the hands of a security philosophy based on a factious bear, whose best friends are a stuttering pig, a depressed donkey, a mean-spirited rabbit, and a bouncing tiger (sorry…two g’s).

Danzig went on to compare European soccer hooligans with terrorist, and terrorist to Luke Skywalker. Obama wasn’t kidding when he said “Change,” I just don’t know if it is “Change We Can Believe In!”

Once again very little was mentioned about this story in the mainstream media in the United States. But the story is front page fonder all around the globe. Not sure Winnie the Pooh is going to help us “regain our place in the world.” Besides most Europeans prefer Paddington the Bear, who unfortunately is unavailable due to immigration “issues (Paddington the Illegal Immigrant Bear).”

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