Monday, June 9, 2008

Are British Soldiers Wimps?

Former male prostitute and Madonna gal pal Rupert Everett is feeling the heat over disparaging comments he made about British soldiers:

Rupert Everett - No Room In The Foxhole

The actual quote was “pathetic, whining wimps.” Statements such as “The whole point of being in the Army is wanting to get killed…” plays into the belief by many that all soldiers are warmongers, and shows a complete lack of understanding for those that serve.

As a former soldier, and having served with British soldiers, I have never meet anyone who wanted to “get killed” as Everett has suggested. It is counter to everything we as soldiers are taught. To win by defeating the enemy is what soldiers are trained to do. No army would be very successful if it soldiers wanted to get killed, that's just ridiculous!

Of course this wasn’t the only thing Rupert Everett had to say, also taking the time to criticize Americans as well.

Everett described us as "whiny victims" whose entire language is taken from US TV series Friends and Sex And The City. Everett stated that "I'm totally off the States now. The reaction to 9/11 and then George Bush - really, they've got very blobby as a nation." Blobby....ouch, that hurts.

Everett - "I'm totally off the States now."

I could careless what someone like Everett thinks of America. But, Mr. Everett’s callous comments directed at the British military comes from a place of contempt that many elitist have for those that serve their country. Mr. Everett lives in a world where at the end of the day he wipes off his makeup and goes bar-hopping with friends. Everett is an idiot and owes his fellow countryman an apology.

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