Monday, April 28, 2008

Supreme Court: Democrats Wrong Again - Indiana Voter ID Law Upheld

The United States Supreme Court sided with the State of Indiana, and its people, in their efforts to protect the integrity of the voting booth:

AP: Indiana Voter ID Law Upheld

Numerous other States are preparing similar legislation to ensure that each vote is valid. The Democrats have been opposed to any voter identification programs from the beginning. They have stated that these type of measures do not prevent voting fraud, or that it is part of a “grand” Republican strategy to disenfranchise certain voting blocks from entering the polls.

We have heard from the Democrats that the Indiana law was never about eliminating voting fraud (because it never existed?), but about preventing Democrats from voting. But the Democrats arguments will only show them to be paranoid or impertinent, or both.


  1. The law received overwhelming support from the citizens of Indiana
  2. The Democrats who sued to block Indiana's law in 2005, did not name a single plaintiff who had been barred from voting because of the law
  3. Legal voters, of all backgrounds, support voting integrity incentives. When asked by pollsters (Rasmussen Reports/The Washington Times), "Should voters be required to prove their identity by showing a government issued photo ID before they're allowed to vote?"
  • 67 percent of responders answered "yes," while just 23 percent said "no"
  • Fifty-eight percent of blacks, 69 percent of whites and 66 percent of other ethnic or racial minorities said voter ID laws are reasonable
  • Among women age 40 and over, 70 percent said they support the idea of requiring a photo ID, and 66 percent of men 40 and older agree
  • 99 percent of Indiana's voting-age residents already possess the necessary ID. Those that don’t have a State sanctioned identification may apply for one, and if need be, will not be charged any fee

Many Democrats have stated that Indiana (or for that matter any State in the Union) does not have a problem with voting fraud. Really, then please explain the following:

AG of Indiana: Vote Fraud Catches Up to 8 for Acts in ’03 Primary Election

AG of Indiana: Fraud, Forgery, False Witness

AG of Indiana: 37 Convictions -Including Aiding Fraudulent Application

What this law does is affirm that no dead people, or illegal immigrants, or voters not in good standing, try and sway an election. You need an identification to cash a check, to collect government entitlements, to pickup a prescription, should we expect anything less when casting a ballot?

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