Thursday, April 24, 2008

President George Bush Is A Monkey

Art truly is in the eye of the beholder, as demonstrated by a recent political “art show” on display at Linn Benton Community College, in Vermont:

"Free" Thinking Artist

To the best of my knowledge this art show did not feature any “controversial” displays of prominent Democrats. A search of the web did not produce any news story related to the exhibition.

This is just a recent series of contentious art exhibitions we have seen over the past month (
Maine Student Uses The American Flag As Art, Yale Senior: Abortion As Art), and are symptoms of what is “ailing” higher education today.

Progressive's speak of “tolerance,” but what they actual mean is tolerance for their thoughts, protest, beliefs, and lifestyles. Imagine the outrage if a conservative artist (hell, even a liberal artist) decided to create a monkey statue with the likeness of Senator Obama. What do you think the response would be?

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