Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Support Peace, Plant a Bomb

We are often told by those on the Left that it is not “the Troops” they do not support, it is the “War.” We see lawn signs and bumper stickers that proclaim “I Support the Troops, Not the Mission,” or “Support the Troops, End the War.” We are told that a person can be in support of those in harms way, but at the same time be openly critical of the the war itself. There is some truth in that statement, but only if a persons motives are pure, and the manner in which the opposition is presented is with respect to the cause. The real truth is that many anti-war protesters came to the movement due to their hatred of President Bush, or their warped sense of “Progressive Patriotism.”

I am of the opinion that many anti-war groups did not want to get caught up in the quagmire that occurred after the Vietnam War. Many returning Vets were ridiculed and insulted while serving in Vietnam, and upon their return to the States. The Anti-war movement of the 60's showed a serious lack of compassion for their fellow countrymen, so much so that many of the scars still have not healed.

Today's neo-Progressives started out by trying not to repeat the mistakes they made during the Vietnam War. But let's not be fooled, many of the same 60's radicals who burned they draft cards 40 years ago, are the same leaders of todays anti-war movement. These aging hippies, suffering from the affects of all the drugs they took in college, wanting desperately to relive their glory days, are now trying to influence a new generation to follow in their failed footsteps.

What started with the irresponsible actions of the Berkeley City Council and Code Pink has given way to a front more closely in line with the anarchist movement:

Report: Increase Attack on Military Recruiting Stations

Sedition Report

The anti-war movement has never been able to contain “its emotions,” eventually resorting to (warning....oxymoron alert!) destructive actions in the name of peace. Notice how quickly the anti-war movement abandons their “Support for the Troops” propaganda when their cause is not getting daily headlines. Like little children that resort to “violently lashing out, because nobody is listening,” the modern anti-movement have once again shown their true colors, and they aren't Red, White, and Blue.

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