Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Democrats Upset…Shocking!

Democrats across America are “disappointed” with ABC handling of the Clinton-Obama Debate held on April 16. Democrats have been using old stand-bys such as “unfair,” “ unbalanced,” and my all time favorite “tabloid journalism” to dismiss the poor showing of their candidates, especially Obama. The threatened fallout of a possible boycott against ABC is just the type of typical juvenile behavior we would expect from Progressives, and proves once again that the ranks of the Democratic Party has way too many sniveling, cry-babies.

We Don't Like ABC News Anymore

My favorite quote was “Peter Jennings would have NEVER done this.” Your right. Jennings would have done what the rest of the media did and throw softball questions at the Democratic candidates. Associations with Reverend Wright and William Ayers , and callous remarks that are “misunderstood,” are all fair game, as they should be. Democrats would be wise to remember the old expression “That which does not kill you will only make you stronger.”

In year when we have seen a snowman ask a questions about global warming, and the planting or the misrepresentation of audience members credentials, the Democrats are now starting to realize that neither of their remaining Presidential hopefuls can stand-up to the type of scrutiny Republicans are use to. If Senator McCain had a close associations with a former (unrepentant) KKK member, how do you feel the media would handle that? What about the Democratic Party, would they just walk past it?

All we have seen from the Democratic debates is fluff, rhetoric, class envy, and negativity. Debates, serving as an extension of intense public examination, should be a right of passage that every potential Presidential candidate should survive. There was nothing unfair about the ABC debate, and what we are witnessing is the reaction from an immature electorate, initially excited by empty talk, and are now forced to lash out at anyone who tries to bring them and their candidate down to Earth.

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