Monday, July 2, 2007

It Sucks to be Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi probably is not enjoying her job very much these days. While Nancy Pelosi continues her strangle hold on ineptitude, her whole world is crashing down around her:

Pelosi’s support slips in her own state (Pelosi - The Honeymoon is Over)

Pelosi: “I am not happy with Congress.” Showing a lack of leadership, points the finger at the Republicans in the Senate (?) (That damn, vast right-wing conspiracy again!)

Pelosi: On Impeachment - "The President isn't worth it... he's not worth impeaching. We've got important work to do….Like failing on immigration and Iraq, raising taxes, passing non-binding resolutions, attacking Freedom of Speech (Fairness Doctrine) and achieving the lowest approval rating of any modern Congress (Profile in Incompetence)

Nancy Pelosi lacks the moral courage to continue serving as Speaker of the House. In order to call yourself a leader you need people who will follow you. Listen closely Nancy, those are crickets you are hearing in the House Chamber. Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats have squandered what little goodwill they had with the bitter American public that voted them into office out of anger.

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