Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Immigration: Do You Have What it Takes to be a Citizen?

If you were born is this country you have no obligation to prove that you are indeed worthy of being a Citizen of the United States. But what about those seeking citizenship? Those who look at this country as the beacon of freedom, the answer to their hopes for a bright future for themselves and their children? They must prove their dedication to what they hope will be their new home.

Aside from the fact that they must have a nearly unsoiled personal life, they also have to attend a series of classes culminating in the taking of a test. How well do you think you would do on that test?

MSNBC asked that very same question. Follow the link below if you think you have what it takes to be a US Citizen...and good luck. Just remember, if you fail you get to remain in the United States, which is not the case for someone seeking a new life in America.

Do you have what it takes to be a Citizen?

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