Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!

A recent simian crime spree has the Indian police searching for a mobster monkey, name unknown, responsible for the theft of a pair of reading glasses from a tourist. Come to think of it, has anyone seen Michael Jackson’s former pal Bubbles?

Maybe the monkey needed visual assistance to live by the motto “Monkey see, monkey do.” If this was America the ACLU would volunteer to represent the criminal, and then turn around and sue the government for not providing the monkey with a pair of glasses in the first place.

Can’t wait to see the episode of “Indian’s Most Wanted” on this one. I do not know what is more ridiculous. The fact that the tourist filed a complaint, or that police were last seen searching local alleys in search of the criminal (which should be easy to find…..how many monkeys can there be wearing designer glasses?).

Fox News Story - Shock the Monkey
Video of Random Monkey Crimes:

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