Thursday, July 12, 2007

Betty Williams - Nobel Prize in Stupidity

Nobel Prize Winner (for Peace) Betty Williams was the guest speaker at the International Women’s Peace Conference held in Dallas on July 11, 2007. During her speech she received a standing ovation from the attendees after expressing a desire to kill President Bush and exclaiming that “It's hard to be an American and go out into the world right now.”

Ms. Williams also stated that "Unless the President of the United States is held responsible for what he's doing and what he has done, there's no one in the Muslim world who will forgive him." Is Ms. Williams truly that naïve to believe that it would take a mere false apology to end the violence? Notice Ms. Williams did not put any of the responsibility where it truly belongs, with the Muslim terrorist. Go figure!

Check out the story at the Dallas Morning News (which features a video link):

Nobel Prize Winner Betty Williams

The conference was suppose to be nonpartisan event (as was reflected by the audiences applause for the Bush comment), and speakers were ask not to discuss the Iraq War. Ms. Williams initially denied making the comment (which is to say she lied), but she learned that the "tapes don't lie (the event was recorded)."

Liberals love to express anger over Ann Coulters statements, but hardly a peep is made when one of their own advocates killing someone they disagree with. In fact the open hatred for President Bush demonstrates the "non-violent" hypocrisy of the far left.

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