Tuesday, July 3, 2007

One Way to Make a Liberal Mad

Heads must be exploding across this great land now that President Bush commutation of Scooter Libby conviction has been reported. Mind you, every liberal pundit had been stating since the conviction that president Bush would pardon the former advisor, which he did not do. Commuting the sentence is not a pardon. Mr. Libby is still a convicted felon.

Commutation releases Mr. Libby from jail, but does not forgive the conviction or the fine. I will not get into the merits of the Libby case during this writing, but needless to say President Bush only got it half right.

Libby’s conviction and jail sentence was a slap in the face to the American justice system, especially when you consider former Clinton aide Sandy Burger stole and destroy classified documents and was never in fear of going to jail.

Our current leaders have turned Washington into the political equivalent of mud wrestling; unfortunately it is decent people like Scooter Libby that are getting dirty.

Jeff Chidester

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