Thursday, July 19, 2007


The recent debates on the Iraq War have revolved around the belief that we must establish a timeline for the withdrawal of our troops. A timeline based on political necessity instead of clear military and diplomatic objectives will doom Iraq, the region, and eventually the rest of the world.

Iraq’s fate as a free Republic rest with us. These recent debates are nothing than more political folly and self-aggrandizing, and the actions of the Democrats continue to hurt this mission.

The Democrats have no plan, or worse their suggestions are lunacy. The banter being offered up by the Democrats remind me of the recent Guinness Beer ads. Stupid observations, followed by the belief that they are brilliant opinions.

For example, one of the previsions of the recently defeated Iraq Surrender Bill stated that the military could continue to engage the enemy, as long as they were identified as al-Qaeda??!!?? How exactly would our troops know this? I know…….we will offer free t-shirts to al-Qaeda members with a bull’s-eye on the front, and the slogan “al-Qaeda Gone Wild” on the back. Brilliant! Whoever had this prevision added should be slapped upside the head.

The Democrats are catering to the fringe elements of their support, a collection of morons who don’t even have the veracity to state that this is really about their hatred of President Bush, and has been since the day he was elected. The Democrats and their band of dingbats are a sad lot who have lost their way and their integrity.

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