Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama’s Inaugural Speech: Just “Ho-Hum"

Last week “Time” magazine asked if President Obama’s inaugural speech “would be one for the ages?” It is fair to say, probably not.

There are way too many people out there who’s expectation were so high for this speech, short of old Abe himself making a guest appearance, President Obama’s speech was going to be a letdown. On the other hand, there are so many Obamamaniacs enamored with President Obama, he could have put his hand under his arm and made farting sounds, and they would have thought it was the greatest speech EVER!

This speech should serve as a realization to the Obamazombies that President Obama is just a man, granted the most powerful man in the free world, but still just a man. You would be better served to stop believing that President Obama actually walks on water, or you will be in store for many more letdowns.

LA Times: David Gergen Not Impressed, immediately attacked

Times of London: realistic, but not soaring

Bromance quote from a puppy love press: "He is our first (in the best sense of the word) aristocratic president," said author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell. "Bush was a buddy. Clinton was the kindly uncle. Obama is a prince."

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