Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama’s Abortion Funding Policy: A matter of free speech or sound economic policy?

It has been a busy week for those that are pro-abortion. First Obama rescinded the long standing “Mexico City Policy,” which restricted the use of US Foreign Aid to be used for abortions, then we had Obama appointee, James Steinberg, and House Speaker Pelosi, each providing their “unique” spin on the matter:

I do not know what I find more troubling, that a high-ranking official in Obama administration, James Steinberg, believes that abortion funding is a First Amendment issue, or that Nancy Pelosi can so callously place a dollar amount on a human life.

I am just going to take a guess, but I bet Mr. Steinberg finds it completely acceptable to restrict the free speech rights of those that speak out in favor of life at abortion mills. As for the San Fran Granny (aka Nancy Pelosi), her statements were disgusting. States are facing budget problems, so let’s abort babies. The truth be told that we would not be in this economic mess had we not aborted
45 millions babies since 1973.

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