Saturday, September 27, 2008

What Caused “Our” Economic Crisis: A Band of Thieves and Liars

Enough is enough! I was hoping that our “so called” leaders in Washington would put their petty squabbles aside in an effort to try and solve our current financial crisis; a crisis that they are directly responsible for! But I must have thought I lived in a country where truth would always prevail, and that regardless of our political affiliations, we could come together when the going was tough. What this crisis has reaffirmed is that it is the American people who are the rightful leaders, and now is the time for us to remind those who serve at the will of “the People” that one of their fundamental duties is to “insure Domestic Tranquility.

The “posse of idiots” in Washington would rather waste valuable time playing the blame game then actually acting like adults to resolve this potential disaster! Fine, if the 110 Congress of the United States of America would rather we first assign blame, then work at solving the problem, please allow me to chime in………without a doubt, the blame for this mess rest squarely with a group of lying, thieving looters known as the Democratic Party! In particular, those within the “Party of the Donkey” who proudly wear the brand of Liberal. Current attempts to “rewrite” history by the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Barrack Obama (to name just a few) is just downright perverted!

The truth is simple if not disturbing. Many of our representatives tried to use the mortgage industry to build a homeowners “utopia,” which allowed almost everyone to buy a house, but ignored risk factors that had kept the housing market extremely safe, and more importantly, away from Wall Street. Starting with President Carter and the Community Reinvestment Act, followed next by the Clinton Administration allowing further relaxation of mortgage safeguards, which in turn led to the warnings offered by Senator McCain (as well as many others) that foresaw the crisis we are currently in. But if you were to listen to the Democrats, you would be under the impression that “8 years of Bush” have led to this mess. Yet not ONE Democrat can point to a single Bush policy that contributed in anyway to this problem. Yet we can easily find evidence of Democratic incompetence littered across the financial waste land once known as the American economy:

New York Times – 1999: Fannie Mae easing of credit is dangerous

New York Times: Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending (September 1999)

Investor Business Daly: The sub-prime crisis started with President Clinton

Investors Business Daily: Clinton Era Rule Changes Caused Current Sub-Prime Crisis

Wall Street Journal: The Fingerprints of prominent Democrats is all over this financial crisis

Wall Street Journal: Sweetheart Deals Given To Democrats

The frustration felt by the American people is compounded by the ineptitude we are witnessing from our elected officials. Worse yet is this mythical belief that the blame for this mess can somehow be placed with Presidential Candidate McCain. Senator McCain is not only innocent of any wrong doing, he was one of a few in Washington warning of the pending calamity. But alas nobody was listening, and I wonder if anyone is listening now?

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