Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Call To Stop The Palin Feeding Frenzy

Jack Jacoby, of the Boston Globe, has publicly chastised his fellow journalist concerning their overzealous "attack" reporting regarding Governor Palin:

Boston Globe: Stop The Palin Feeding Frenzy

The media has seen a backlash from the American public because of the guttural approach that they took against Palin, all under the "guise" of factual reporting. But moreover, many in the bloggershpere helped to erode the public confidence that the "new" media could be trusted.

The 1st Amendment may grant the author the Freedom of Speech; but it hardly guarantees that the content will be well thought-out, and was written by someone of honor.

The pen is only mightier than the sword if it is dipped in the ink of integrity.

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