Thursday, September 25, 2008

Barney Frank: The King Of Blame

There is no escaping the constant barrage of blame coming from the mouths of Washington’s finest regarding our recent financial woes. Take for instance the representative from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barney Frank:

“The private sector got us into this mess…The government has to get us out of it. We do want to do it carefully.”

Not even close Mr. Frank. Representative Frank need only look into the mirror to see who is at least partly to blame. Mr. Frank not only opposed any comprehensive attempt to reform Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae, but time and again encouraged policies that led to this current dilemma:

Wall Street Journal: Fannie Mae's Patron Saint

Mr. Frank’s attempt to walk away from his own record on this matter is troubling, but not surprising. But Representative Frank’s hand in this predicament is clear:

Mr. Frank is not alone regarding this chaos, nor is he the only one trying to falsely shift blame away from Congress, but Mr. Frank does stand alone in his audacity in denying culpability.

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