Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Media Coverage Of Governor Palin: Shame In Black And White

There is no doubt that Sarah Palin and her family are strong enough to weather the media storm that they have sailed into. A person’s life is a reflection of their character, and by all accounts the Palin’s are a strong and devoted family. The media scrutiny will only serve to reaffirm that Governor Palin possess the moral fiber that is needed in Washington, DC, but only if the coverage is fair and truthful.

It is unfortunate that there are those in the media and the blogsphere thhat are either choosing to belittle Governor Palin’s accomplishments or personally attacking the Palin Family. Here are just a few examples:

First up is Margarat Carlson:

Ms. Carlson is a reporter for Time magazine, and can often be seen on television offering political commentary. Ms. Carlson recently wrote a piece for Bloomberg on-line:

Bloomberg: Governor "just" an honorary head of the National Guard

“Every governor is honorary head of their state's National Guard.” A State Governor is not like the Queen of England! Ms. Carlson needs to review the US Constitution and most State Constitutions. Each governor is the Civilian Commander-in- Chief of their reprehensive National Guard units, until either the President of the United States or the regional Commander activates such unit. A Governor can activate the National Guard to help in disaster relief or to provide security for the citizens of their State. Honorary……..hardly! Could it be that Ms. Carlson is trying to “downplay” Governor Palin’s experience?

Daily Kos:

Meanwhile, the fine folks over at the Daily Kos decided to just make up the news, allowing rumors and vicious postings on their “website.” There are a lot of disturbed people out there, and it would seem they all write for the Daily Kos. Is it any wonder hardly anybody wants to run for public office?

From the world of academia:

Next, NECN interviewed Law Professor Elizabeth Sherman George Washington University, regarding the impact of Bristol Palin’s “choice”:

“This reaffirms Roe Vs. Wade.” Huh? Bristol Palin gets pregnant. Bristol does the responsible thing and confers with her parents. The Palin’s do not look upon the baby as a “choice,” but commit to the safe delivery and loving upbringing of the baby. The Palin’s are forced to issue a press release on the matter (in large part due to the bloodthirsty mentality of the media), with those on the Left immediately attack them. This is what passes for “reaffirm” in the eyes of Professor Sherman.

In the real world of the Left, reaffirming Roe Vs. Wade would look like this:

Girl gets pregnant. She lies to her family and hides the pregnancy from her them. She sneaks off with her boyfriend to seek an abortion. With limited counseling, with no input from the girl’s physician, and without the knowledge of the parents, an abortion is performed. Baby is killed. The girl almost immediately starts to suffer from guilt and depression because the propaganda of abortion does not stand up to the reality of abortion. The girl starts to experience intimacy issues and contemplates suicide. The boyfriend abandons the girl (if he was still with her), further alienating her. That Ms. Sherman is what the reaffirming of Roe Vs. Wade looks like!

And as far as the NECN report, why were Ms. Sherman’s comments even considered relevant to the story, other than to provide the non-existent “Roe Vs. Wade” connection. NECN’s story was just another example of a detached media.

These are just a few “shining” examples of what is passing for educated thought and profound commentary. There are more examples of media bias, sexism, and hypocrisy on the two links below. The level to which some would stoop to in an effort to falsely smear an incredible person such as Governor Palin, is sickening.

Fight The Palin Smears
Palin Sexism Watch

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