Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The New York Times Presents: A “Fact-Less” Fairytale

I was raised to believe that all fairytales started with the statement “Once Upon A Time…..”, I was wrong. It has become apparent that in the 21st Century fairytales tend to appear within the pages “The New York Times.”

What is notable about the most recent New York Times hit piece on President Bush is not what it did “report,” but what it either failed to mention or what it downplayed:

NY Times: It Was President Bush's Fault

What this fairytale is lacking are the true villains. Nowhere it this story do we read about the details involving such names as Frank, Meeks, Waters, and Dodd, and what role they played in this meltdown. Nowhere in this story do we read about the repeated attempts by Republicans such as outgoing Senator John Sununu, to provide an appropriate oversight of the industry. And what cannot be found anywhere in the New York Times piece are all the attempts by the Bush administration to prevent this crisis; and the repeated roadblocks put up by the leading recipients of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac campaign contributions……….the Democratic Party.

So from now on, when you do find it necessary to read the New York Times, just start each story with "Once Upon A Time....." You will enjoy the story more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More republican propaganda! The NY Times did metion Bushs' "efforts", or lack thereof! Whats the matter, does you comprehension diminish when you can’t read out loud!