Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama Will Raises Taxes On Everyone

Some of you may not remember the 1992 Presidential Election. During that election Bill Clinton chastised then President Bush for going against his promise of “no new taxes,” a promise Bush broke due to the overspending of the Democratic Congress.

Bill Clinton spent the ’92 campaign stating that he would raises taxes on the rich, lower taxes on the “middle-class,” and provide tax breaks for lower-income. But once Clinton took office, he raised taxes on the “rich and the middle-class,” which sent the economy into a downturn. Clinton did however provide “tax refunds” to the “lower-income.” As it just so happens, the rebates went to people not paying any taxes. If it wasn’t for the Conservative Revolution of 1994, who knows how far Clinton would have gone?

Does this all sound familiar? It should, because “Repeat “Obama is doing the same thing. Watch the following video’s and see if you notice a pattern:

Obama Is All Over The Place On Taxes:

Joe Biden Pipes In:

Bill Richardson Readjust The Figure:

Within two months the bar for the middle-class moved down $130,000 dollars. If you take Obama’s $97,000.00 statement from 2007, and the fact that he voted to tax people making more than $42,000 dollars, the pattern becomes very clear. We are all going to get taxed, which is exactly what every leading economist says you SHOULDN’T DO!

It figures, just when I find out I am rich (according to Obama and the Democrats), I don’t have enough money to enjoy my new financial status!

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