Saturday, March 29, 2008

Which Presidential Candidate Will Get the Terrorist Endorsement

Okay, so the title might be a bit ominous. But the following questions deserves to be asked -

“Who do you think the terrorist would like to see win the next United States Presidential Election, a Democrat or a Republican?

“Is the recent flair up in Iraq meant to sway the 2008 Presidential Election in favor of the Democratic or Republican candidate?”

“Would the terrorist rather see Clinton, McCain, or Obama in the White House come January 20, 2009?”

“Has the anti-American rhetoric emanating from the Hate Bush crowd (also know as the anti-war movement) embolden the terrorist faction that would love to see America leave Iraq?”

“Is Iran behind the latest attacks, and if so what are their motive?”

These are just a few question that will need to be addressed as the potential for increased violence in Iraq looms. Today's terrorist follow the same handbook that was written during the Vietnam War. The number one rule of that handbook - “the only battle that needs to be won is the battle for the home front.” It is not soldiers that lose battles but politicians and an electorate, that lacks the will to do the right thing, that brings defeat.

Terrorist will not commit to a major action on America soil before the November 2008 election because that it will reinvigorate the citizenship, which would benefit the Republicans. No, the terrorist have a much simpler plan to ensure a Democratic victory come November, a body bag a day will scare America away. The terrorist believe Obama's and Clinton's statements of an immediate surrender by American forces in Iraq should either get elected. There is no guarantee that either will commit to their pledge once they enter the Oval Office.

What the terrorist haven't learned about American politics is that what is said on the campaign trail is quickly pushed aside once the former candidate is transformed into sitting a President, and are suddenly faced with the harsh realities of their actions. Do I believe Obama and Clinton will honor their pledge to immediately withdraw our forces from Iraq? It is possible. Do I believe that they will go back on their pledge? Also possible.

So, who will get terrorist endorsement, and are you okay with that?

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