Every election we hear how “evil” Republicans are, and how the Democrats are just “trying to lookout for the little guy.” We hear complaints of the Republican Attack Machine (also known as the “vast right-wing conspiracy), spending millions of dollars to promote lies and dirty politics. As if we are to believe that the Democrats are incapable of any improprieties or collecting vast amounts of money for their campaigns. Give me a break!
First we learned this week that one candidate trying to be the next President of the United States raised 200 MILLION DOLLARS for their campaign. Was it Romney, nope. It must have been Giuliani, wrong again. How 'bout McCain? Not by a long shoot. The owner of this staggering war chest is none other than the man of the people, Senator Barrack Obama:
Is 193 Million Enough to Buy the Presidency?
It is obscene to think of all the better ways this money could have spent. People facing foreclosure, unemployment, hunger, and homelessness. I guess we know where the Democrat’s priorities are. As far as money goes, Democrats seek it just as much as Republicans need it. But had a Republican candidate raised the type of money Obama did, the negatives stories in the news and on the blogs would be merciless.
And what about slim politics? My favorite! Modern campaigns are no more ruthless than those in the past. Affairs, out of wedlock children, corruption, and name-calling can be found in every election. But you would like to think that with modern technology, and the ability for a candidate to get their message to the people easier, that the slim attacks would be limited. Not so fast. The general election hasn't even started, and the first mud pie has been thrown:
Fund for America: The Best Slim Money Can Buy
The Fund for America is hoping to build a war chest of $100 millions dollars to use against Republican candidates, and some Democrat candidates, during the 2008 Election. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Soros is behind any of this. There is nothing “progressive” about George Soros and The Center for America Progress. They are Socialist bent on destroying all that is good about America. What is surprising is the fact that a labor union, The Service Employees International Union, would be allowed to divert such a large amount of union dues in this manner.
Neither Party is below this type of activity, but when the Democrats do it, all is fair. When a Republican does it (which is never to the level the Democrats sink to), all hell breaks loose. That it is why it is important for all voters, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, to keep the campaign focused on the issues that are important to all Americans.
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