The Democratic Party has quite a pickle on their hands, and they have only themselves to blame. The Republican candidate for President was settled with McCain’s victories in Texas and Ohio. But the Democrats have two viable candidates left in Clinton and Obama, and mathematically neither one will have won enough delegates before the Democratic Convention to declare himself or herself the nominee.
The upcoming contest won’t make it any easier for the Party of the Donkey. Wyoming and Mississippi will probably go to Obama, but Mississippi could be close. But neither State has enough delegates to make that much of a difference. Pennsylvania is the next huge contest, and that has a Clinton victory written all over it.
If Clinton wins Pennsylvania it will be a bloody mess at the Convention….which will make for damn good television!
The Democratic Party will have decide between the candidate that carried every large State (Clinton) or the candidate that probably will be the one who carried more States (Obama). Many of the small States will most likely go Red in the general election, which makes the larger States that much more important. The Democratic leaders are also well aware that if Obama loses at the Convention, it will alienate a lot of voters. The only solution then is a Clinton-Obama ticket. Obama is still steaming over the actions of the Clinton Camp, but you know what they say – “politics makes strange bedfellows,” and Obama will have to “suck it up” for the good the Party. Won’t that be fun to watch!
What some people don’t realize is that each Party creates their own primary rules. The Democratic rules are more like “traditions,” rather than the “etched in stone” rules that the Republican’s follow. The Democratic Party is an awful like Pee-Wee Baseball (no offense to all the little Derek Jeters out there). In Pee-Wee baseball, as with the Democratic Party, there are “no losers,” and everybody gets a trophy. In an effort not to hurt anyone’s feelings, the Democratic Party decided that the delegates would be divided based on the percentage of votes each candidate got. Instead of a winner takes all philosophy (the American Way), the Democrat’s prefer a less “confrontational approach” to selecting their Presidential nominee, which is backfiring.
We already knew that the Democratic Party was a mess, but this election has brought out the worse in almost every Democratic voter. Don’t belief me? Look at the state of the Democratic Party today. You have people voting for rhetoric instead of actual ideas. You have an electorate voting for a candidate only because of the color of their skin or their sex; or worse yet, people not voting for a candidate because of their color or sex. You have minorities being played against each other (Hispanic versus African-Americans), and lastly, voting being spilt down the social-economic line (rich against poor). Once again, the Democrats have shown themselves to be the true hypocrites.
Between now and the Democratic Convention, Obama and Clinton will wage a war against each other. Spending millions of dollars, and attacking each other at every turn, which will cost them the election. But it has little to do with the candidates per say, and more to do with the Democratic Party itself. It is a party that lacks a commitment to principal, instead preferring to govern by polls. The Democratic Party is trying to be something to everyone, which only manages to pit everyone against each other. Republicans, especially Conservatives, should take heed, and make sure to run a campaign based on principals and not rhetoric.
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