Thursday, January 24, 2008

That Will Do Pig..That Will Do

Citing concerns over the reaction from the Muslim community, a new children’s book based on the classic “Three Little Pigs” was denied the Bett literary award:

I'll Huff, and I'll Puff, and I Will Blow Your Infidel House Down

The books potential to offend Muslims was not the only reason it was denied the Bett award. However, the fact that whether Muslims would be offended by a book called “The Three Little Cowboy Builders” was considered. The issue is that Bett is a government sponsor award, with a panel that features state employed school teachers. This panel, through a need to be politically correct, assumed Muslims would be offended simply because the heroes of the story are swine’s. In the process of making this decision, they offended many more people (including Muslims), and unfortunately the Muslim community (who had no input into this decision) will be blamed.

But why stop there? Why not remove all books and movies that feature pigs as the main characters such as Babe, Piglet (Winnie the Pooh), Pumba (Lion King), Miss Piggy (Muppets), Arnold Ziffle (Green Acres), and of course Wilbur (Charlotte’s Web)? Maybe we can have “pig” burning parties, forcing children to bring all their beloved books, stuff animals, and videos and in the name of political correctness, throw them onto the purging fire.

As Salman Rushdie stated during the outcry over his book Satanic Verses – “Atwhay isway eedomfray ofway expressionway? Ithoutway ethay eedomfray otay offendway, itway easescay otay existway.” Oh I forgot, some may find the use of Pig Latin offensive…..oughtay!

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