During the 2008 Presidential Campaign some of the candidates have stated that they would work to restore “America’s place in the world.” But wouldn’t it be nice to know what these candidates perceive America’s place in the world should be, or for that matter what our place in the world is now.
In the end, I could really care less what the rest of the world thinks of America, nor should they care what I think of them. For every “evil action” America is accused of committing, there are many more “evil inactions” that can be laid at the feet of many nations around the world.
My bigger concern is how my fellow citizens feel about their own country. The greatest enemy to our free republic is not the “barbarians at the gates,” but the enemies already within our walls. These enemies walk amongst openly, like wolves, but they do not even bother to wear sheep’s clothing. They use the Constitution as their own personal excuse to say and do whatever they want. They look upon freedom as something designed to serve their own personal needs, instead of a divine gift meant to strengthen our resolve against tyranny.
These enemies only see what they perceive to be America’s “faults,” while never seeing our virtues. While I am not asking my fellow Americans to look upon our landscape with “rose colored glasses,” I am asking them to look at all of Americas intrinsic ideals before they arbitrarily (and frankly, carelessly) shack the finger of distain at their own home. Contrary to what many of these people think, wearing ones disgust (hatred, disapproval…whatever you want to call it) on your sleeve is not a badge of honor. Nor does their public odium mark them as “free-thinking intellectuals.” Far from it. It only shows them to be people who do not appreciate the great nation America was, still is, and will always be so long as we stay united.
As I read the news and editorials I am reminded that America can’t “win for losing.” If we do nothing were wrong. If we take action we are warmongers, imperialist, or…EVIL. There are those that laugh when we fall, and find glee when our economy falters. More times than not America stands alone, stumbling over the feet that have been stuck straight out by our own citizens. But for those that would call America evil that is OK, because in the end, when you call for our help we will come without hesitation. Why? Because we are Americans, and that’s who we are.
As I was writing this article, I was reminded of the great Canadian Reporter Gordon Sinclair. In 1973, when American was at one of its lowest points, he felt compelled to speak up for America. This recording was released in the United States and actually climbed into the Top 40. Some of the facts are dated, and some will feel that the music in the background is hooky, but the message is truer today than ever:
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