In the entire world there is only one Berkeley…….thank-god! That’s not to say that there aren’t other communities like Berkeley, but for pure lunacy you can’t beat the original. Berkeley, California is the self-proclaimed kingdom of tie-dyed “hippie wanna be’s,” a klan known as the “Delirusaum Probus Proditororism (DiPPs).”
This self-righteous mob of intellectual elitist believe that they, above everyone else, are the conscious of the American soul. A soul they believe to be tainted, exploitative, and uncaring. To the fine folks of Berkeley there is no better example of America’s corrupt soul than that of the US Military, and in particular, the US Marine Corp.
Berkeley: Pompous, Elitist Idiots
Let me make sure I have this right. Are we talking about same guys who gather every Christmas and give away toys to kids in need (Toys for Tots)…..those guys? The US Marines who have served and died for America so that the “free thinkers” of Berkeley can exercise their “1st Amendment Rights?” Those are the “wicked” Marines that need to be eradicated from the streets of the “ever so tolerant” Berkeley? What’s the matter Berkeley, the Boy Scouts weren’t evil enough for you (Berkeley Vs. the Boy Scouts)?
Code Pink and the Berkeley City Council will never no the shame of their actions because they are better than the rest of us misguided Americans. The people of Berkeley (along with Code Pink and other neo-progressives hoodlums) know what is best for this country, and they make sure they tell us every single day (usually to the beat of a drum and a hooky chant). If only they were in charge we would not need the US Military because evil would melt away to the singing kumbaya. I guess we should just be thankful that their dissent hasn’t yet denigrated to the “every so popular” nude protest that Berkeley is famous for (not that any of these people need an excuse to walk around naked).
I don’t know whether to throw up or kick something. I do not recall the last time I felt sick to my stomach with disgust. Not just one American, or a group of malcontents, but an entire community not only collectively spit in the face of the noble men and women of the US Marines, but on all that is good and decent about America. I wish I could say that my words would make a difference, but sadly, they fall on deaf ears. The people of Berkeley are too smart to be swayed by a simpleton such as myself. So I will close by saying good job Berkeley, you must be sooooooo proud of yourselves!
Update - Let the Backlash Begin:
This story exploded overnight. Senator Jin DeMint has proposed that federal funding meant for Berkeley be suspended:
Senator Jin DeMint: No Marines, No Money
Other news agencies and bloggers are reporting on this story:
Michelle Malkin: Reactions from Around the Web
Berkeley has brought this on themselves, but they don’t care. In fact this is just the type of reaction they delight in. Berkeley has benefited from the freedoms secured for them by the brave men and women of the US Military. Code Pink and Berkeley fail to realize that their ability to be stupid is the end result of the very same soldiers that they revile and mock. There is more integrity, virtue, and honor in the fingernail of one US Marine than exist in the entire community of Berkeley, and I am glad to see fellow Americans speaking up.
A few links for you:
This is the recorded council meeting where the issue first arose:
Berkeley Council Meeting – 1/29/2008: Berkeley City Circus Video
E-mail addresses and phone numbers should you want to express any thoughts:
Berkeley City Council
Please remember that not all of them supported this, and that unlike Code Pink, we should remain civil when conveying disapproval.
Brett Hume reports:
Military Recruiters - Worse than Porn Shops and Drug Dealers: