We Americans are a fickle bunch. The strength of the two strongest political parties rest with the fringe of each of those parties, the Far Left and the Far Right. But our government is more than about the fringe elements of any political party, it is about “We the People…”
The extreme elements add the passion to politics. They push the issues during the infancy of the electoral process, at a time when most American aren’t paying attention. For better or worse, the fringe is there to remind us that there are issues hanging in the balance, whether we agree with those issues or not.
The reality is that most Americans are committed “middle of the roader’s (there’s an oxymoron for you).” Middle of the roader’s like to refer themselves as Independents, usually with some sense of pride that this “free-spirited” approach to government is as American as NASCAR. In a recent survey more Americans describe themselves as Independents than as either Republican or Democrat. The truth is that most Independents are not “independent” at all. They stick the finger in the air on most major issues and align themselves with an already established group on those issues. I hardly think that fits the definition of an Independent. All things being equal, I think it is time we give these Independents their own moniker and symbol.
The Democrats have the Donkey, the Republicans have the Elephant, and so what does that leave for the committed Independents? I do not think they would be taken seriously if they referred to themselves as the Uncommitted (sounds like a pop band from the 80’s). You would still need some type of animal to put on the bumper stickers and election pins. I could think of no better animal to represent Independents than the Ostrich. Why the Ostrich? Like the Independents, the Ostrich wants to stick his head in the sand until someone kicks it in the butt to get a response. All they need to get the Ostrich Party started is few committed Independents; but wait; wouldn’t that be counter to the non-principals of an uncommitted Independent? Trying to figure out what an Independent stands for is making my head hurt.
The reality is America would not have gotten very far if our Founding Fathers were “middle of the roader’s.” In fact we would have floundered under the control of Britain for who knows how long. It was the passion of Thomas Paine, John Adams, John Hancock, and Thomas Jefferson to name a few that pushed this country down the path of independence. Our history is filled with vigorous debate back and forth, at times resulting in violent outbreaks (especially during Thanksgiving dinner with my family). Yet somehow we managed to survive.
So don’t worry your little tail feathers you Ostriches, you can continue to be indecisive while the political fringe keeps the process alive and well until you are ready to participate. Are you alright with that?
The extreme elements add the passion to politics. They push the issues during the infancy of the electoral process, at a time when most American aren’t paying attention. For better or worse, the fringe is there to remind us that there are issues hanging in the balance, whether we agree with those issues or not.
The reality is that most Americans are committed “middle of the roader’s (there’s an oxymoron for you).” Middle of the roader’s like to refer themselves as Independents, usually with some sense of pride that this “free-spirited” approach to government is as American as NASCAR. In a recent survey more Americans describe themselves as Independents than as either Republican or Democrat. The truth is that most Independents are not “independent” at all. They stick the finger in the air on most major issues and align themselves with an already established group on those issues. I hardly think that fits the definition of an Independent. All things being equal, I think it is time we give these Independents their own moniker and symbol.
The Democrats have the Donkey, the Republicans have the Elephant, and so what does that leave for the committed Independents? I do not think they would be taken seriously if they referred to themselves as the Uncommitted (sounds like a pop band from the 80’s). You would still need some type of animal to put on the bumper stickers and election pins. I could think of no better animal to represent Independents than the Ostrich. Why the Ostrich? Like the Independents, the Ostrich wants to stick his head in the sand until someone kicks it in the butt to get a response. All they need to get the Ostrich Party started is few committed Independents; but wait; wouldn’t that be counter to the non-principals of an uncommitted Independent? Trying to figure out what an Independent stands for is making my head hurt.
The reality is America would not have gotten very far if our Founding Fathers were “middle of the roader’s.” In fact we would have floundered under the control of Britain for who knows how long. It was the passion of Thomas Paine, John Adams, John Hancock, and Thomas Jefferson to name a few that pushed this country down the path of independence. Our history is filled with vigorous debate back and forth, at times resulting in violent outbreaks (especially during Thanksgiving dinner with my family). Yet somehow we managed to survive.
So don’t worry your little tail feathers you Ostriches, you can continue to be indecisive while the political fringe keeps the process alive and well until you are ready to participate. Are you alright with that?
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