Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution states -
“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
But Article II was meant to be used in the most extreme conditions, and was not meant to be yielded for political gain, as is the case with HR333 (Library of Congress - House Bill 333), which was introduced by Rep. Dennis “The Menace” Kucinich, and sponsored by a gang of nineteen Congressman of dubious distinction, such as:
Maxine Waters: Cited as a Top Ten Ethics Violator (Citizens for Ethics)
Keith Ellison: Numerous Ethical Issues (Campaign Finance and Disclosure Board Findings of Fact, Campaign Finance - Cited for Filing Late). Mr. Ellison also had his license suspended (twice) in Minnesota for failing to pay citations (World News Daily) and has been investigated by the IRS. Mr. Ellison recently made headlines when he referred to President Bush as Hitler and compared 9-11 to the Reichstag burning by the Nazis.
Sheila Jackson – Lee: Voted Second Meanest Boss in Washington (Washingtonian Survey) = 180% staff turnover her first two years in office. Ms. Lee mean-spiritedness was also noted while flying with Continental Airlines ("Don't You Know Who I am!!!")
The Founding Fathers understood that any civil officer of the United States (such as Senators, Congressman, and Judges) was capable of overstepping the original intent of their constitutionally granted purview. The hope was that future representatives would have the honor to wield the “impeachment sword” with caution, and only for the betterment of the Republic. HR333 is a procedure of spite, and suggest abuse of power on the part of Rep. Kucinich.
Recently Conservative Constitutional scholar Bruce Fein stated that the “Constitution will disappear in installment plans,” if impeachment charges were not pursued against Vice-President Cheney. Guess what Mr. Fein (and those who support HR333), that ship sailed a long time ago. The Constitution has been the subject of “progressive interpretation” from the very day it was ratified. The belief by “Pragmatic Progressives (translation: hardheaded, socialist liberals)” that the Constitution is a living, breathing document, that can be reinterpreted with an evolving and ever-changing morality is far more dangerous than anything Vice-President Cheney’s is alleged to have done (trust me when I tell you I use the word alleged in it weakest sense).
HR333 demonstrates once again that the party of divisiveness and self-aggrandizing is the Democrat Party. Congressman Kucinich will do anything to appeal to his fringe, even disgrace his office and insult the integrity of the Constitution. It is expected that groups such as Code Pink (Code Pink Pie Party) and After Downing Street (I Like Impeachment Pie) would be pushing this lunacy, but it is truly sad that 19 elected representatives, who swore to uphold the Constitution, have hitched themselves to this charade.
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