Monday, April 20, 2009

Science From The Trenches: The Stem Cell Debate Is Dead

Last week Oprah featured Michael J. Fox on her show and something interesting happen. A regular contributor to the Oprah show, Dr. Oz, proclaimed the death of the stem cell debate (embryonic vs. adult):

Oprah doctor: 'stem cell debate is dead'

Dr. Oz to Oprah and Michael J Fox: "The stem cell debate is dead."

As Mr. Fox and Oprah squirmed in the seats, Dr. Oz dispelled the myth that nothing of substance on this matter occurred during the past 8 years. In fact, Dr Oz not only dismissed that advances had not been made, but stated that this past year has seen extraordinary advance, and that cure results are just a few years away (“single digits” in years).

Dr. Oz greatly underestimates the death culture in this country. The media chooses to ignored numerous medical breakthrough using adult stem cells, such as the recent story regarding diabetes (Type 1 Diabetes using adult stem cells), by either not reporting it, or omitting the use of the term “adult” when referring to stem cells used in the research.

The Obama administration is about to throwaway billions of dollars on embryonic stem cell research, even though adult stem cells have shown far more promise, and far less risk than embryonic stem cell (Study hints at role of stem cell genes in testicular, breast cancers)

The dogma of death is leading to bad science.

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