Thursday, April 2, 2009

Liberals Lie: I’m Shocked!

For those that have read my blog in the past, and for those that are new to it, you know that I have very little tolerance for the dishonesty displayed by many on the Left. There are two things that I have learned when dealing with Liberal lies:

1. It is important for conservatives to not only known the historical truth, but to know the truth as liberals see it. Many liberals believe what they believe because they are just repeating fallacies that have been offered to them. Nothing shuts a liberal up faster than the FACTS. Facts are to liberals as garlic is to vampires.

2. Never, ever let a liberal get away with a false statement. I do not care where you are, and who it is, letting Liberals get away with a false statement is like letting your puppy poop on the rug. If you don’t correct them, they will continue to defecate all over the place! Now I am not saying that you have to get into a heated exchange. It could be as simply as saying “that’s not true,” and point the misguided individual to the truth. Or better yet, challenge the person to “explain” their statement, example:

SLS (Stupid Liberal Statement): “If we had more regulations, we wouldn’t be in this financial mess! This is all President Bush’s fault.”

ICR (Intelligent Conservative Reply): “Really, what are the regulations now, and what regulations would you proposed that would have stopped this?” Were you aware that President Bush and now ex-Senator Sununu recommended changes that would have prevented much of what we are dealing with now? Have you ever heard of defeated Senate Bill S.190? No, maybe you should do your homework before you hurt yourself. Push for details.

You know you have won when the Liberal says one of the following: “bigot, fascist (or Nazi), neocon (which most Liberals are unable to provide a proper definition for), Bush lover (or fill in the conservative of choice),” or my all time favorite – “I really don’t want to get in an argument (liberal translation: I have no idea what I am talking about).”

Democrats count on the fact that liberals, like parrots, will just repeat what they are told. Liberals also believe that if enough people repeat the lie, then eventually it BECOMES the truth….AMAZING! Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying all liberals lie; some actual believe what they are saying. I am also not saying liberals are stupid, but as Ronald Reagan once said (about liberals) – “They know so much that just isn’t so.”

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