Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nancy Pelosi Wrong On Church’s Position Regarding Abortion

During her appearance on “Meet the Press” on August 24, Nancy Pelosi was caught “misstating” her church’s position on abortion:

Just in case you missed it, Nancy Pelosi wanted to make sure you were aware that she is a “ardent, practicing Catholic.” Based on her appearance on “Meet the Press,” she needs more practice, that according to several church leaders:

AP: Archbishops’ criticize Pelosi's statements on abortion
The Hill: Pelosi's Statement on abortion "false"

There is no confusion on the part of the Catholic Church regarding abortion. Church doctrine clearly states that life begins at conception, and the Church deems abortion as a “grave evil.” But the Catholic Church also teaches that no sin is beyond forgiveness. Yet, Nancy Pelosi, Senator Kennedy, and Senator Kerry, all “practicing” Catholics, seem to not only want to ignore this simple fact, but on more than one occasion, misstated the Church’s’ teaching. What does that say about their commitment to principals?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced they make stuff up as they go along....