Monday, August 18, 2008

A Scared Democrat: My Conversation With A Hillary Supporter

How concerned do you think some Democrats are about Obama? Based on a conversation I had the other day with a former Hillary supporter, very concerned.

I was leaving my local Dunkin Donuts when I heard a woman's voice calling out to me – "Excuse me, but can I ask you a question?" The phrasing and the tone of her voice were different than the casual asking of directions. There was a stress in her voice as if she needed my help. Come to find out, she did.

"Sure" I replied, "what's up?" Pointing to the back of my car and my McCain bumper sticker the woman stated – "I'm a former Hillary supporter….what do you think of McCain?" My immediate reply was – "He needs to be our next President." The woman stood there waiting for me to continue, probably thinking – "and?" So I followed up with – "he needs to be our next President because we can trust him to do the right thing, not the politically expedient thing, but the right thing for all Americans." My enthusiasm brought a smile to her face.

We went on and talked about the fact that Senator McCain has a long history of doing the principled thing, not just casting America’s fate to the political winds. This former Clinton supporter agreed that McCain has always demonstrated his wiliness to be bipartisan, much to the chagrin of many Republicans, without compromising his core beliefs. That seemed very reassuring to her.

As we continued to talk I couldn’t help but ask her why she wasn’t supporting Obama. She looked me directly in the eye, shaking her head, and said “he is not ready, and probably never will be.” It was in her next statement that was the most revealing– “he just seemed to be saying whatever it takes to get elected…...”

In the middle of a Dunkin Donuts parking in Rochester, New Hampshire, a former Hillary Clinton supporter and a Conservative came to the same conclusion. John McCain must be our next President.

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