The McCain campaign has confirmed that McCain has selected Sarah Palin as his running mate:
McCain selects Gov. Sarah Palin
" You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness." Ronald Reagan
The McCain campaign has confirmed that McCain has selected Sarah Palin as his running mate:
McCain selects Gov. Sarah Palin
The Times reporter Libby Purves recently wrote about the “muddled, irrational, and inconsistent” healthcare resources that are a reality of socialized medicine in England. Ms. Purves states with a degree of abject defeat that “the truth is that there will never be enough money in the pot to meet every need with the best and latest treatment.” Is this the healthcare future we want for the United States? A healthcare system where goverment oversight decides who should get treatment, and when? Does this sound like a healthcare model that respects the patient - doctor relationship? Hardly!
Is there any doubt that the same government that has bankrupted Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid would do any better? Is it realistic for us to believe that a goverment that squandered millions of dollars on studies such as the mating habits of the “great bucked-toothed Minnesota Chipmunk," will somehow suddenly find their fiscal conscience? It is estimated that 68 BILLION dollars was wasted within the healthcare system in the United States in 2007 due to overall fraud! It is further estimated that at least 10% of the Medicaid budget is lost to fraud; and Medicaid is the healthcare program that Deomcrats hold up as a model of success!
1930’s Socialist Norman Thomas once stated that – “the American people would never vote for Socialism, but under the name of Liberalism, the American people will adopt every fragment of the socialist programs.” Mr. Thomas was right. Socialism has morphed over the years, from Socialism to Liberalism to Progressivism. But no matter how you say it, what we are talking about is a “socialist dictatorship,” where the government believes that they know what is best for you. Barrak Obama wants to be our next President, and he has a “revolutionary” new 110 BILLION dollar (projected first year cost) healthcare system in store for America.
Obama and the Democrats are proposing a healthcare plan in the mold of the European and Canadian models, both of which are in crisis. In order for the plan to “work,” it would eventually require everyone to enroll. One of the more interesting elements of the Democratic plan would ultimately require the enrollment of healthy people 18 to 30 (who make up 20% of the uninsured, according to the Census Bureau – and who often forgo insurance), because you see Obama and the Democrats will argue that their premium payments are necessary to offset costs incurred by older, sicker patients.” Great... another pyramid scheme run by the government…it worked so well funding Social Security and Medicare.
What if a person chooses not to participate, what will be the repercussions? Arrest and jail time? Would we forcefully garnish their wages like we do with taxes, Social Security, and Medicare? In support of their plan, Obama and the Democrats (as do all Progressives interested in healthcare reform) continue to use the false claim that “one in six Americans (or 48 million)” do not have healthcare. Wait a minute, didn’t the Census Bureau say that many 18 to 30 year olds “forgo” insurance, but yet they are somehow included in that 48 million? Their lack of wiliness to participate should surely reduce the overall “uninsured” numbers? Gee….do you think there might be other inflated numbers regarding this “statistic?”
There’s at least 10 million that aren’t even Americans. That’s right, illegal immigrants are counted in that number. The Census Bureau claims that only 13.4 percent of native-born Americans do not have health insurance, and 17.9 percent of naturalized citizens are without health insurance. It is believed that no less than 25% of the uninsured are in fact not American, they are illegal aliens. That is not to say they are not deserving of healthcare, but lets stop lying about whom the uninsured really are.
Devon Herrick, senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), learned that on numerous occasions, Census Bureau officials have acknowledged the uninsured number is inflated because the Bureau reports as "uninsured" those adults and children who are eligible for an existing government health services, such as Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), but are not enrolled. Herrick observed, "Being uninsured in America is often a matter of choice. Most uninsured people either can afford health insurance or qualify for government-sponsored health care programs; they just choose not to enroll."
But those are not the only factors that lead to the false figure of 45, 48, or 50 million people (the Democrats keep changing the number) without health insurance:
After you do the entire math correctly, in the end you get to around 8 million people who may not have had health insurance in the prior year (which represents less than .02 % of the population of the United Sates!).
It is important to understand the true number of people in need before we embark on another disastrous government run program. When people are uninsured, how long they remain uninsured, and why they are uninsured are factors that need to be considered (Congressional Budget Office - How Many People Lack Insurance and for How Long?).
Obama would slowly move healthcare from the private sector to public control (yikes!!) Although I suspect that Obama, like many Progressives (Progressive = Liberal = Socialist), believe what they are doing this for the “greater good,” it is just another place government does not need to be. In Washington power is equated to control. The expansion of failed entitlement programs, the demonizing of capitalism, and playing Robin Hood in the form of unfair taxes, are all methods of control. Are we really prepared to add our healthcare to that list? Can we afford to put our healthcare needs in the hands of the politicians in Washington, DC?
How concerned do you think some Democrats are about Obama? Based on a conversation I had the other day with a former Hillary supporter, very concerned.
I was leaving my local Dunkin Donuts when I heard a woman's voice calling out to me – "Excuse me, but can I ask you a question?" The phrasing and the tone of her voice were different than the casual asking of directions. There was a stress in her voice as if she needed my help. Come to find out, she did.
"Sure" I replied, "what's up?" Pointing to the back of my car and my McCain bumper sticker the woman stated – "I'm a former Hillary supporter….what do you think of McCain?" My immediate reply was – "He needs to be our next President." The woman stood there waiting for me to continue, probably thinking – "and?" So I followed up with – "he needs to be our next President because we can trust him to do the right thing, not the politically expedient thing, but the right thing for all Americans." My enthusiasm brought a smile to her face.
We went on and talked about the fact that Senator McCain has a long history of doing the principled thing, not just casting America’s fate to the political winds. This former Clinton supporter agreed that McCain has always demonstrated his wiliness to be bipartisan, much to the chagrin of many Republicans, without compromising his core beliefs. That seemed very reassuring to her.
As we continued to talk I couldn’t help but ask her why she wasn’t supporting Obama. She looked me directly in the eye, shaking her head, and said “he is not ready, and probably never will be.” It was in her next statement that was the most revealing– “he just seemed to be saying whatever it takes to get elected…...”
Newsweek: Pushing Russia’s Buttons
Leave it to the media to sit on the sidelines and immediately find someway to blame America. I particular like Hirsch’s statement – “Putin's invasion of Georgia is unforgivable.” If you wait long enough, along comes the “but monkey” – (Hirsch’s statement continues) “But let's face it: the West helped to provoke Moscow's aggression.”
Saying the West provoked Russia is like blaming the rape victim for the rape. How dare Georgia flaunt democracy and liberty like some sort of freedom “hussy.” What was Russia to do, just sit there and let Georgia go on governing themselves? Well, as a matter of fact…yes.
What Hirsch, as well as many others seem to be missing is that Russia is only reacting on instinct; an instinct of oppression and brutality. Many in the media seem to be just realizing that the Bear is back, and it’s hungry. But a year ago I warned of Russia’s forthcoming aggression:
Putin on the Ritz: The Evil Empire Never Went Away
Maybe the West is to blame to some degree, but not for the reasons stated by many. The West turned its back on the Bear believing it to an impotent, only to turn back around and find a sleeker, but no less dangerous Bear. The West forgot the lessons of the past, we forgot the words of Ronald Reagan:
The question almost everyone has on their minds is “who will McCain and Obama choose for their Vice- Presidential running mates?” The media loves to throw as many names out as possible so they can come back later and say – “see, I told you.” Of course the media will completely dismiss the fact that they threw out every name in the phone book, knowing that one would eventually stick!
Who Obama picks as his VP is of little interest to me right now. Once she is named, then I will have something to say. But who McCain picks is of extreme interest. Unlike many pundits, I know that most conservatives can easily support McCain for President. McCain has over a 90% voting record on issues important to each of the conservative pillars. But the wrong Vice-Presidential pick could doom the McCain campaign. With that being said, who should McCain tap to join his ticket?
There are four VP candidates that would make the Republican ticket tough to beat in November. Each of these candidates has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, as do all candidates. Anyone of the four that I am thinking of would bring balance to the ticket, and will definitely generate the type of positive energy that seems to be lacking from McCain’s campaign:
Governor Mitt Romney:
Romney has strong executive experience, both in business and as a former governor. Romney single-handily saved the Winter Olympics in Utah, which was marred in corruption, and headed for fiscal disaster.
He will not help to move the Socialist State of Massachusetts Red, but he will help with battleground States such as Michigan and Ohio. Romney brings a strong economic presence to the campaign, and is a tetanus campaigner.
Romney is deemed to be to “polished” by everyday voters, and some of his position changes (abortion in particular) drew a great deal of attention during the primaries. But he has made no major mistakes, and there are no skeletons in his closet.
US Representative Marsha Blackburn:
Blackburn is a three-term Congressman from Tennessee which I profiled last year. Blackburn is a strong conservative who the Americans for Tax Reform called a “taxpayer hero.”
She has limited executive experience, but she has far more legislative and Executive Branch experience than Democratic Presidential Candidate Obama. Blackburn is an ardent Conservative, who has never wavered on the core principals of conservatism.
Governor Bobby Jindal
One of two exciting Conservatives in the Republican Party. Governor Jindal also served in the House of Representatives before being elected as the Governor of Louisiana.
Governor Jindal is a fiscal and social Conservative, and is able to intellectual articulate his point better than anyone. The son of Indian immigrants, he represents the American dream.
National Review: Is Jindal The One We Have Been Waiting For?
Governor Sarah Palin
The other raising star, Governor Palin would surely electrify the Conservative base. Governor Palin would be the most well-rounded candidate either side would offer. And when I say well-rounded, I do not just mean politically. Governor Palin is the mother of five, and the wife of commercial fisherman. Governor Palin, better than anyone, understands the “kitchen table” issues that many American’s are dealing with today. Governor Palin served as a former councilwoman, then Mayor, prior to serving as the Governor of Alaska, and she likes to describe herself as a “hockey mom.”
Conservative Pulse: Governor Sarah Palin - Bold VP Selection
On a more personal note, Governor Palin eldest son recently enlisted in the US Army, and she gave birth to her second son, who was born with down-syndrome, in 2008. This is what I mean by “well-rounded.” She has the executive experience to serve as the Vice-President, but has the real world experience too many in politics are lacking.
Regardless of who Senator McCain picks, it wold be beneficial if the candidate has executive experience, whether in business, overseeing a city government, or serving as the chief executive of a State. Executive experience is a plus, but Conservative credentials are a must.
--Survey Question Of The Week