Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Berkeley City Council Backs Down

KCRA TV Report Earlier in the day (prior to the vote)

The Berkeley City Council voted 7-2 to rescind their original “Marines are Intruders” letter. The Berkeley City Council listened to speakers until the wee hours of the morning before casting their votes. The reality is that the City Council made up their minds to rescind the letter before entering the chamber, and the “re-vote” was nothing more than to try and appease everyone.

SF Gate: Berkeley Rescinds Letter

The question now is whether the Berkeley City Council went far enough to make amends? Not at all! The council tried to explain that they were only making a statement against the war, and meant no disrespect to the Marines. The truth is that Berkeley is so used to supporting these kinds of measures, and having the rest of America dismiss them as harmless kooks, they thought they no one would notice the original vote…they were wrong. The apology is disingenuous and without remorse.

The Berkeley City Council only took steps to rescind the original letter. They did not recant their statements in support of Code Pink, nor did they revoke Code Pinks license to “abuse.” Last nights vote will only serve as a rally cry for the Code Pink fanatics. The core of Berkeley is anti-American, and it will only be a matter of time before they do, or say, something to belittle and insult their own country. But at the very least the response this time may make them think twice. This video is just a small reminder of who Code Pink really is:

The cowardice actions were not limited to the City Council Chambers. Outside demonstrators from both sides of the issued gathered. The anti-American protesters did their best to incite the situation, at one point resorting to the old standby of burning an American Flag:


Obviously these protesters were not concerned about the environment because besides releasing “poisonous fumes” into the air, they destroyed several innocent bicycles. How many more bikes must be sacrificed in the name of peace! I wonder if the protester that burned the flag realized that they have the right to do what they did because of the brave men and women of the US Military? Ironic...

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