Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tales from the Men’s Room

What is it with our fascination with bathroom stories? The worse part about these stories is that they make me question how stupid people (in this case, men) can be.

First up, big surprise, women are cleaner than men:

Poppie’s Syndrome

So a third of all men don’t wash their hands. I don’t even know what to make of that. It is not like it is time consuming. Soap, water, wipe…what does that take 10, 20 seconds? It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode “The Pie,” when Jerry witnesses Poppie go the bathroom, zip up his fly and declare – “Ah, Jerry! Tonight you in for a real treat. I'm personally going to prepare the dinner for you …….” then leaves without washing is hands. Mmm, sounds yummy!

Next we learn that there is nothing like a little scandal to make even an airport bathroom a tourist attraction:

The "Craig" Stall a Tourist Attraction

This speaks volumes for America’s fascination with the mundane. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport should strike while the “iron is still hot.” They could offer guided tours that would feature a “re-creation” of the exchange between Sen. Craig and undercover officer. Each customer would have the opportunity to have their picture taken in the notorious stall. Additionally, each customer would receive a laminated, wallet-sized, quick reference guild to the proper “rendezvous signals” used by those seeking companionship.

Southern Hospitality, Craig List Style:

He's not a member of the Village People...He's a real COP!

This story brings a whole new meaning to the “power of the internet,” and has me wondering what category you would list this type of activity under on Craig’s List? It also speaks to carelessness, and frankly the lack of discipline displayed by these men. Our police could be doing better things, but because these “gentleman” chose to contaminate a public faculty, we have to divert valuable resources to deal with this issue.

There is a whole subculture that exists in public men’s room that I was total unaware of. To think that I use to believe that the guy in the next stall was just asking for a piece of toilet paper, so much for courtesy.

So, next time you are in a public restroom, watch your stance, don’t tap your feet or sing George Michael songs, and for goodness sake, wash your hands!

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