Monday, September 17, 2007

Duty, Honor, Country

General David Petraeus appeared before Congress to testify on the situation in Iraq. If you knew nothing about General Petraeus but what you read in the news last week you would think that Genghis Khan, supported by a propaganda machine that would rival the Nazis, was leading our troops in Iraq. It is truly a sad statement on America that a person of General Petraeus strong moral character would be dragged through the mud. What was even harder to fathom was that it was his fellow Americans doing the dragging.

First up was the Queen of Denial, the Duchess of Deceit, the (dis-) Honorable Senator from New York. Lady Hillary Clinton:

“The willing suspension of disbelief.” Translation for those who do not speak “politicalees” – “You are lying to us.” If anyone would know about the “suspension of disbelief” it would the former First Lady. How dare she in a public forum call a well-respected United States General a liar! And she wants to be the next Commander – In –Chief?

Next we had Senator Obama’s self-fluctuating rambling:

Each member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had seven minutes to question General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker about the Iraq War. Obama used about six minutes of his time to lecture General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker. As Obama was wrapping up, he said, "That, of course, now leaves me very little time to ask questions, and that's unfortunate." Well, maybe you should have asked questions instead of making speeches you could post to your webpage!

General Petraeus never got to answer Obama's 266-word speech. Hurried at the end, Obama asked about benchmarks that had not been met. Ambassador Crocker stated, "Senator, I described for Senator Sununu a little bit ago some of the things that I think are going to be very important as we move ahead."
It was nice to see one Senator saying something of value. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) followed Obama. He told Petraeus and Crocker, "As you have found, our hearings are more about listening to ourselves than listening to our witnesses."

Not all the attacks on General Petraeus were limited to the floor of Congress or on the campaign trail. Nope, had there own opinion of General Petraeus:

Betray Us!!??!! This attack on General Petraeus was planned well in advance, before he even testified before Congress. If had any integrity they would have waited until the report was presented, and then provide a rebuttal to the testimony. Instead they chose to attack General Petraeus before hearing the report. This is the same group that Senator’s Obama and Clinton are catering to. Yet neither of them has distanced themselves from this ad. Their need to appease their base and their contempt for the US Military was quite evident. Would it be any less if either were our next Commander – In – Chief?

A soldier serves at the luxury of his country and answers to one person (in accordance to the Constitution of the United States), the Commander – In – Chief, the President of the United States. There are those in Congress, and left-wing fascist groups such as, that cannot accept that fact. They wish to regulate this war as a matter of political policy, which has failed in the past and doom to fail in the future.

Agree or disagree with the war, we do our country little good when we malign honorable people such as General Petraeus. There are people in this country that would like to believe that those serving in the military are devoid of intellect and integrity, and are nothing more that puppets of a "corrupt political machine." They couldn’t be any further the truth. Duty, Honor, Country are the words our US Military live by. Each soldier takes an oath to defend the Constitution, and they live by that oath everyday. How many people at have taken that oath? To paraphrase from “A Few Good Men:”

"We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch-line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post."

Although I disagree with many parts of that movie, there is a real truth in that speech. If you have never taken the oath as a soldier, you could never imagine the strength of the words “to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States.” The Soldiers Oath brings into clarity the overwhelming responsibility a member of the US Armed Forces has committed to this country. This is the same oath that General Petraeus took, and look how some Americans have chosen to repay him?

Time and time again General Petraeus, and millions of others soldiers, have stood to defend our country and have asked very little in return. You have to ask yourself whether you willing to stand with them and defend their reputation against attacks by those who have no concept of the words “Duty, Honor, and Country,” or are you going to continue to let their sacrifice to this country be molested?

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