The Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), a group affiliated with al Qaeda, and funded by Iran, killed four American soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter during the initial attack, and now they claim to have brutally murdered the remaining “prisoners.” The ISI initially identified our soldiers as prisoners, which means they should have been treated humanly. But these cowards have once again shown their true colors. These terrorist are animals corrupted by evil elements of their religion that promotes this type of barbarism. The Islamic State of Iraq thanked Allah for “the help and accurate targeting” during their “blessed operation” against “Crusader” forces.
I scanned the newspapers and listened to the radio and television for America’s response. The silence was deafening. I had to ask myself “Where is the outrage?” While al Qaeda prisoners are getting fat in sunny Cuba (Guantanamo - Prison or Spa?), al Qaeda “freedom fighters are committing atrocities against our sons, brothers, fathers, nephews, and uncles. These terrorist are cruel and sadistic, and yet not one peace movement group in America has bothered to express their condemnation.
Over the course of the past few years I have read and heard numerous stories about America’s “failures” and indiscretions during the war on terror (or whatever the PC police are calling it now). We are reminded everyday by groups such as Peace Action, Democracy for New Hampshire, and After Downing Street.org, that America is the proprietors of all that is wrong in the world. Peace Action demands to know why “Bush ignores Iran’s recent overtures for direct talks?” But Peace Action shows their hypocrisy when they ignore Sobhe Sadegh, mouthpiece for the Pasdaran (Iran's Revolutionary Guard), threats to “kidnap” American soldiers in Iraq. A threat that has been realized.
Some Americans have forgotten that this is our war, not President Bush’s (contrary to the statement made by Presidential Candidate Clinton during the most recent debate:
Clinton Statement - NH Debate)
The Democrats have all run from their votes and their rally cries that supported the invasion of Iraq (that also helped get them reelected in 2004). Don’t blame “lies” and “misrepresentations of facts” that led us down this course. Kennedy, Kerry, and Clinton are supposed to be smart. Are we to believe that they were fooled by President Bush, a person that some Americans disrespectfully refer to as an “idiot?” You can’t have it both ways.
One of the most disheartening developments to this story is how many Americans have also turned their backs on our brave soldiers. I would expect this from politicians, but not the America I know. We were all there when our soldiers were asked to commit to this mission, and too many of us have chosen to conveniently forget this because "things aren’t going to well."
We have become a nation that finds it far easier to shrug our shoulders and turn our backs to real injustice and actual evil. Far too many Americans point the finger inward, but ignore the sociopaths who kill in the name of “Allah.” Wake up America, because this is just another example of the type evil our brave soldiers are fighting for our sake.
I scanned the newspapers and listened to the radio and television for America’s response. The silence was deafening. I had to ask myself “Where is the outrage?” While al Qaeda prisoners are getting fat in sunny Cuba (Guantanamo - Prison or Spa?), al Qaeda “freedom fighters are committing atrocities against our sons, brothers, fathers, nephews, and uncles. These terrorist are cruel and sadistic, and yet not one peace movement group in America has bothered to express their condemnation.
Over the course of the past few years I have read and heard numerous stories about America’s “failures” and indiscretions during the war on terror (or whatever the PC police are calling it now). We are reminded everyday by groups such as Peace Action, Democracy for New Hampshire, and After Downing Street.org, that America is the proprietors of all that is wrong in the world. Peace Action demands to know why “Bush ignores Iran’s recent overtures for direct talks?” But Peace Action shows their hypocrisy when they ignore Sobhe Sadegh, mouthpiece for the Pasdaran (Iran's Revolutionary Guard), threats to “kidnap” American soldiers in Iraq. A threat that has been realized.
Some Americans have forgotten that this is our war, not President Bush’s (contrary to the statement made by Presidential Candidate Clinton during the most recent debate:
Clinton Statement - NH Debate)
The Democrats have all run from their votes and their rally cries that supported the invasion of Iraq (that also helped get them reelected in 2004). Don’t blame “lies” and “misrepresentations of facts” that led us down this course. Kennedy, Kerry, and Clinton are supposed to be smart. Are we to believe that they were fooled by President Bush, a person that some Americans disrespectfully refer to as an “idiot?” You can’t have it both ways.
One of the most disheartening developments to this story is how many Americans have also turned their backs on our brave soldiers. I would expect this from politicians, but not the America I know. We were all there when our soldiers were asked to commit to this mission, and too many of us have chosen to conveniently forget this because "things aren’t going to well."
We have become a nation that finds it far easier to shrug our shoulders and turn our backs to real injustice and actual evil. Far too many Americans point the finger inward, but ignore the sociopaths who kill in the name of “Allah.” Wake up America, because this is just another example of the type evil our brave soldiers are fighting for our sake.
Jeff Chidester
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